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A review of multi-enterprise bargaining

In late 2022, the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) received significant amendments to enterprise bargaining, which came into effect on 6 June 2023. Through the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 (Cth), amendments to the FW Act were made to increase access to single interest employer authorisations (SIE Authorisations) and ...

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News | Gadens participates in third outreach trip with Arts Law

  • 21 October 2024
  • In support of our ongoing pro bono partnership with Arts Law Centre of Australia, Gadens has recently participated in our third outreach trip with Arts Law. Gadens Lawyer, Jessica Smith travelled to Alice Springs with Lawyer and Arts Law Head of Legal and Operations, Katherine ...
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We service the legal needs of major Australian and multinational clients, as well as small to medium sized enterprises. We have an established reputation as a leading legal service provider to clients in the banking and finance, property and construction and energy and resources sectors. Our areas of practice include corporate advisory and tax, insurance and insolvency, intellectual property and ...

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