project finance Australia

Online document services

To access our Brisbane office online document services, click here.


Gadens Portfolio Solutions (GPS)

Gadens is widely recognised as a leader in technology in the legal sector, and we are well-known and respected for our ongoing research and development of legal services products. We pride ourselves on our commitment to innovation and the use of technology to provide cost efficient solutions for our clients. Our product development has culminated in Gadens Portfolio Solutions (GPS). GPS is a proprietary suite of online business-to-business programs, legal analysis and management tools that offer a new generation method of conducting and managing high-volumes of transactions. For more information, see the Leaders in technology page of our website.

Click on the links below to access GPS:

Note: You will need your personal log-in credentials to access the sites above. If you require a login please contact the GPS Helpdesk on +61 7 3223 4743 or via email at, or alternatively contact your Gadens Relationship Partner / Manager.