Don’t throw good money after bad

22 March 2017

We are noticing a marked increase in the number of outstanding debts to aged care providers with residents or their representatives not paying the agreed fees and charges. What is becoming increasingly evident is that the outstanding amounts accrued, at the time we are notified, can be in the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We are offering Gadens clients a system whereby the debt can be more effectively and efficiently managed through linking to our debt collection portal. In doing so, you will be able to manage all your outstanding debts as they arise.

Our online service enables you to view the status of each debt, upload documents, view and download any documentation for your records and see any notes of conversations with the debtor with a fixed price option for our clients.

Please contact us if you would like more information in relation to this.

This update does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. It is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of interest and it is not intended to be comprehensive. You should seek legal or other professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content.

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