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ASIC continues focus on financial hardship processes

Lenders should prepare for both an increase in financial hardship applications and heightened scrutiny from the regulator on how these hardship applications are managed. The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) has found that lenders are not complying with their obligations in the cases of customers who are facing financial difficulty. As the cost of […]


Doing business in Australia

The Gadens Doing business in Australia guide provides foreign investors with an overview of the Australian business, economic and regulatory environment, as well as practical advice on how to go about setting up and doing business in Australia. Australia is an ideal investment location for foreign companies looking to grow internationally, benefitting from well-developed infrastructure, […]


A new Banking Code of Practice is on the horizon

Background The Australian Banking Association’s (ABA) Banking Code of Practice (the Code) contains a set of contractually enforceable industry standards that customers and small businesses can expect subscribing banks to uphold. The Code has been in place in various forms since 1993, including a range of protections that are intended to complement and set higher […]


More work to do – Inquiry into Banks dealing with deceased estates

On 9 June 2023, the Banking Code Compliance Committee (BCCC) handed down its report on the management of deceased estates under the Banking Code of Practice (BCOP) by the banks. The BCCC’s report is aimed at helping banks to improve their practices and pursue better compliance with BCOP obligations. In turn, it is hoped that […]


Buy Now Pay Later: ‘Walks like a duck’ regulation announced

On 22 May 2023, the Treasury announced that the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) industry will be regulated under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Credit Act). The move was announced by the financial services minister and assistant treasurer, Stephen Jones MP, at the Responsible Lending & Borrowing Summit. The announcement confirms that the […]


Buy Now Pay Later Options Paper: The reforms start to take shape

On 21 November 2022, the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) options paper was released by Treasury for public consultation (Options Paper). The Options Paper examines the regulatory challenges of emerging financial products, particularly BNPL, and the appropriate regulatory approach to maintain the advantages of accessing credit while sufficiently protecting consumers. With the closing date for […]


AFCA has the final word: Courts will only disturb AFCA determinations in limited circumstances

Australia Capital Financial Management Pty Ltd v Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited [2022] NSWCA 204 The NSW Court of Appeal has upheld a decision that AFCA had jurisdiction to decide that a lender engaged in unconscionable conduct by taking a guarantee such that it was unenforceable and compensation had to be paid, despite the lender […]


Changes to Victoria’s Farm Debt Mediation Act

On 1 December 2011, the Farm Debt Mediation Act 2011 (Vic) (FDMA) was introduced in Victoria. The purpose of the Act is to provide for the efficient and equitable resolution of farm debt disputes between a creditor and a farmer. The FDMA provides a farmer with an option to mediate before a creditor takes possession […]


What goes up, must come down – Declining property values, rising interest rates, mortgage distress and assisting through financial difficulty

Partner Sonia Apikian and Senior Associate Susan Verginis discuss trends on Australian housing values, interest rates and their impact upon mortgage distress, with a focus on how lenders can assist their customers through financial difficulty. Click below to read the full article. If you found this insight article useful and you would like to subscribe […]


Australian Carbon Credit Units: Financiers tap into carbon farming and development projects

With the emergence of a thriving carbon credit market in Australia, the banking and finance industry has seen a significant increase in funding being utilised towards the establishment of carbon farming and development projects. Much of this has been driven by a material increase in the market value of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) which […]


Green loan financing – taking root in fertile soil

Green finance is financing where the proceeds are used by a borrower in financing projects that make a contribution to an environmental objective. This is an important way in which finance markets are contributing to the objectives of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, seeking to align finance with low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. […]


Disclosure obligations for financial service providers in NSW: One-year on from reforms to the Fair Trading Act 1987 (NSW)

It has been over a year since reforms were introduced under the Fair Trading Act 1987 (NSW) (the Act) requiring suppliers (including of financial services) to take reasonable steps to disclose to their customers prejudicial contract terms and for intermediaries to disclose the arrangement under which they are acting, including referral commissions. The disclosure requirements […]
