We strive to optimise value for our clients, and apply our legal insights and commercial advice to best support our clients’ needs. Our expert practitioners provide updates and insights into the areas of law in which we work on an ongoing basis. We think differently to most other law firms, and are recognised as a ‘go-to’ firm for legal insights and expertise. We regularly publish updates and articles on a range of legal topics and industry sectors.
On 30 January 2012 the “Personal Property Securities Register” (PPSR) commenced operations. The PPSR is an electronic register
Background to the NDIS Commission The NDIS Commission is intended to improve the quality of NDIS services
The new Banking Code of Practice, which commences on 1 July 2019, requires member banks to train their
Yoni Baker, Lawyer, Melbourne In the recent case of IBM Global Financing Australia v Applied Business Technology Pty
The most common way for secured parties to perfect their security interests in personal property is by registration
As you will be aware, between February and May each year, the State Revenue Office issues land tax
With the commencement of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA) now more than seven years behind
Financiers take note. Proving a payment default may not be as straightforward as one would have you believe.
Key points Commonwealth Government announces large increases to penalties for privacy breaches Regulator to receive funding boost and
A recent Queensland decision[1] raises the important issue as to when a pubic authority, in the exercise of
The Human Rights Act 2018, which will have far-reaching implications for public decision making in Queensland, passed Queensland
New Commonwealth laws, which can also be used by State police forces in some cases, allow law enforcement