Life in the (planning) fast lane… what’s the cost?

Last year the State Government expanded Victoria’s Development Facilitation Program (DFP) – making the Minister for Planning the decision maker for significant residential developments ($50 Million or more in Melbourne, or $15 Million or more in regional Victoria) that include affordable housing. As a result of these changes to the DFP, many developers have (or are in the process […]


Doing business in Australia

The Gadens Doing business in Australia guide provides foreign investors with an overview of the Australian business, economic and regulatory environment, as well as practical advice on how to go about setting up and doing business in Australia. Australia is an ideal investment location for foreign companies looking to grow internationally, benefitting from well-developed infrastructure, […]


Draft statewide housing targets for Victoria – More than 2 million new homes by 2051

Last week, the Victorian Government released their draft statewide housing targets. In an ambitious target, 2,001,000 additional dwellings are proposed to be constructed between now and 2051 across Metropolitan Melbourne – being almost double the number of existing dwellings currently constructed in Metropolitan Melbourne. The Government wants local councils to ‘unlock space for more homes […]


The Montague Precinct and Fishermans Bend – Have your say on Victoria’s largest urban renewal project

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) has released the draft Montague Precinct Infrastructure Plan (PIP) and draft Development Contributions Plan (DCP) for Fishermans Bend. These documents are on public exhibition until 23 February 2024 and will have a substantial impact on landholdings across the Fishermans Bend urban renewal area. The Fishermans Bend urban renewal […]


The City of Melbourne Street Network is Changing – Have your say on the Future Streets Framework

The City of Melbourne (Council) has proposed the Future Streets Framework (Framework). The Framework seeks to implement the strategic directions of the Transport Strategy 2030, which seeks to reallocate more space to people walking and cycling in the Melbourne CBD, reduce central city through-traffic and transform precincts around major transport interchanges into pedestrian thoroughfares. New […]


Minister intervenes in the ‘Great Wall’ of high rise development in Frankston

Last week the Minister for Planning approved Amendment C162, which applies the Design and Development Overlay Schedule 14 (DDO14) on an interim basis (until 27 October 2023), to land bordered by Nepean Highway, Kananook Creek Boulevard, Beach Street and Wells Street, Frankston (the Amendment). The Amendment amends Planning Scheme Map No. 4DDO and inserts a […]


Build-to-Rent short series | Subdivisional solutions

The Gadens Build-to-Rent short series will focus on emerging property and development issues that affect Build-to-rent (BTR) projects – covering planning, subdivision structuring, fund through models and management issues. Click through the following links to read each instalment.  Build-to-Rent short series | Has the planning scheme caught up? Subdivisional solutions BTR Projects often seek to […]


Build-to-Rent short series | Has the planning scheme caught up?

The Gadens Build-to-Rent short series will focus on emerging property and development issues that affect Build-to-rent (BTR) projects – covering planning, subdivision structuring, fund-through models and management issues. Click through the following links to read each instalment.  Build-to-Rent short series | Subdivisional solutions Has the planning scheme caught up? As BTR projects are increasing in popularity […]


Greening Melbourne: Amendment C376 Melbourne Planning Scheme (Sustainable Building Design Amendment)

The City of Melbourne has set a goal to hit net zero emissions by 2040. Currently, buildings in the Melbourne CBD account for approximately 66% of the City’s total carbon emissions. By comparison, throughout the rest of Victoria, buildings account for approximately 25% of total carbon emissions. What does Amendment C376 propose to do? Amendment […]


VCAT returns to in-person planning and valuation hearings

After more than 2 years of online hearings, this week VCAT reintroduced in-person planning and valuation hearings where appropriate. This Gadens planning update provides an overview of what hearings will now be held in person, what we can except in the hearing rooms and the COVID-19 safety measures that have been implemented. What hearings and […]


Planning agenda set for the suburban rail loop (If it goes ahead)…

The most contentious infrastructure project of the upcoming 2022 state election campaign is the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL). While construction is already underway on SRL East, Leader of the Opposition, Matthew Guy has promised that a Coalition government would “shelve the SRL”. In the lead up to the polls, this Gadens planning update provides an […]


Changes to Victorian planning law to support environmentally sustainable developments

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment VC216 (Amendment), with the changes to the Victorian Planning Provisions taking effect from 10 June 2022. What does the Amendment do? The Amendment makes changes to the Victoria Planning Provisions and all local Planning Schemes to support environmentally sustainable development (ESD) outcomes. For the first time, all local […]
