In this edition of FMCG Express we consider the practicalities of implementing UCT regime required changes, recent ACCC enforcement activity and consider what risks ‘greenwashing’ can pose for our clients. We also touch on employer obligations regarding psychosocial safety and hazards, the Retail Award and other legislative changes. Partner Breanna Davies and the Gadens team […]
ReadmoreWhere a statute proscribes unconscionable conduct in business, a company can be liable whether or not the person to whom the allegedly unconscionable conduct is directed is vulnerable or at a special disadvantage. In ACCC v Quantum Housing Group Pty Ltd, handed down on 19 March 2021, the Full Federal Court placed the focus in […]
ReadmoreUnder the banner of ‘when pilots become enduring practice’, ASIC Deputy Chair Karen Chester has announced that ASIC will supplement its traditional investigations processes with ‘Express Investigations’ (EI), ASIC’s new and preferred approach to enforcement. Corporate regulatory investigations are often legally and factually complex, high-stakes and process-heavy. Mountains of documents and witness evidence are commonplace. […]
ReadmoreOverview ASIC has just announced a new policy that allows individuals who think they might have been involved in market manipulation, insider trading, dishonest conduct or other contraventions of Part 7.10 of the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act) to apply for immunity from civil penalty or criminal proceedings. This policy expands ASIC’s ability to identify […]
ReadmoreOn 1 November 2017, the Administration and Probate and Other Acts Amendment (Succession and Related Matters) Act 2017 (the Amending Act) came into operation. 1. Intestacy In Victoria, if a person dies without a valid Will (intestate), or with a valid Will but such Will does not deal with all of their assets (partially […]