Australian Government releases draft merger control thresholds

The Australian Government has published its draft merger control thresholds which would trigger a mandatory merger control notification to the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) by relevant parties. These are likely to result in many more transactions being notified to the ACCC pursuant to the new processes the Australian Government will legislate to commence […]


Proposed National Electricity Market (NEM) changes to accelerate VPPs – what it means for retail electricity businesses and aggregators

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has recently proposed a draft electricity rule that presents a significant opportunity for aggregators and innovative retailers that would work well to help manage hedging risks, reduce costs and earn revenue in existing markets and through the provision of ancillary services. The National Electricity Amendment (Integrating price-responsive resources into […]


Doing business in Australia

The Gadens Doing business in Australia guide provides foreign investors with an overview of the Australian business, economic and regulatory environment, as well as practical advice on how to go about setting up and doing business in Australia. Australia is an ideal investment location for foreign companies looking to grow internationally, benefitting from well-developed infrastructure, […]


New Mandatory Merger Control Regime Promises Balanced Reform

The Federal Government’s eagerly anticipated position on reforming Australia’s merger laws was released on 10 April, which it will seek to legislate with effect from 1 January 2026. Should the reforms be implemented as envisaged, we expect it to result in: greater certainty as to when notification to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is necessary; […]
