COVID-19 | Preparing for COVID-Normal? Five things you can do now to reduce your cyber security risk

The recent pandemic has changed the way a lot of us work and communicate with each other. In particular, it has accelerated business digital transformations such as working from home, and highlighted the increasing prevalence of data breaches. Data breaches affect us all and can cost our business millions. As we steadily emerge from stringent […]


Data protection and the human error curse: Part 2 | How CEOs and Directors can avoid the wrath of customers and the Privacy Commissioner

In Part 2 of our Data protection series, Kelly Marshall looks at six key things CEOs and Directors can do now to minimise data breach compliance and reputational risk. Our previous article Data protection and the human error curse: Part 1 | Why CEOs and Directors need to be concerned looked at why it is so […]


Webinar | Public sector whistle blowing: vaccine or epidemic?

Public sector whistleblowing and associated corruption complaints are the new normal, exposing both criminal behaviour and petty grievances to the jurisdiction of anti-corruption bodies with extraordinary powers. This session provides a practical road map for anti-corruption investigations from inception to conclusion, including necessary actions following a complaint, assessment of complaints, investigative powers, what constitutes a […]


COVID-19 | Disaster Profiteering Outlawed (for now)

The Australian Government has outlawed price gouging for some essential goods until 18 June 2020 under a new Biosecurity law.  Here is what you need to know. The Australian Government has passed a new determination to prohibit price gouging for certain “essential” goods (Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) (Essential Goods) Determination 2020 (Cth)). […]


Data protection and the human error curse: Part 1 | Why CEOs and Directors need to be concerned

Something as simple as inadvertently sending a customer’s personal information to another person could cost your company dearly – lost earnings, lost customers, lost business partners, damage to reputation and increased compliance costs. If your company is governed by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), is a credit provider, deals with personal or health information or […]
