Paid family and domestic violence leave for all school staff

From 1 February 2023 all school employees will be entitled to paid family and domestic violence leave as changes to the National Employment Standard come into operation. The entitlement to ten days paid leave replaces and improves on the existing entitlement in the NES to five days unpaid leave. The changes are intended to help […]


Religious discrimination in employment in Victorian schools: The exceptions narrow

The purpose of changes to the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) (the Act) from 14 June 2022, which apply to the employment practices of schools, are said to better balance the right to equality with the right to religious freedom, so that both can be appropriately recognised and enjoyed. The Act makes discrimination against the […]


Vaccination mandates in Victorian schools are lifted

The Victorian Government announced on 18 June 2022 that it proposed to lift its imposed third dose mandates in education. This has now been done. Lifting of mandates All vaccination mandates for education workers in Victoria were lifted from 11.59pm on Friday, 24 June 2022 under Pandemic (Workplace) Order 2022 (No 9). The Pandemic Order […]


It’s that time of the year again – Annual Wage Review 2021-22

The Fair Work Commission has just published its Annual Wage Review decision, which provides that the National Minimum Wage will increase by 5.2% from $20.33 per hour to $21.38. This translates to $812.60 per week, up from $772.60 per week. Modern award minimum rates will also increase by 4.6% for those who are paid more […]


Detention time for parents in Victorian schools

Schools in Victoria will have new powers from 28 June 2022 to address the risk of occupational violence and aggression directed towards school staff by certain adults, including by school parents. These new laws provide for: Principals to make orders to protect members of school communities from harmful, threatening or abusive behaviour on school grounds […]


COVID-19 | Fair Work Commission finds lack of consultation means Mt Arthur Mine vaccine mandate unreasonable

A recent decision of the Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission has found that a failure by BHP to adequately consult with its workforce before requiring workers to have received a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of entry to the Mt Arthur open cut coal mine (Mt Arthur Mine) was unreasonable. The case, (Construction, […]


COVID-19 | Insight for employers – rapid antigen tests and collection of vaccination information

The COVID-19 pandemic has required employers to stay across ever emerging issues to ensure compliance with requirements and the implementation of best practice approaches. This update covers two evolving issues: the use of rapid antigen testing, and the collection of vaccination information, specifically, individual healthcare identifiers. What is rapid antigen testing? Rapid antigen testing can […]


COVID-19 | Mandatory vaccination in Victoria

The Chief Health Officer has issued amendments to the COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Workers) Directions (No. 6) (Workers Directions) and COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Specified Facilities) Directions (No.11) (Specified Facilities Directions) as well as introduced the COVID-19 Mandatory (General Workers) Directions (General Workers Direction) (collectively, Directions) in response to reopening Victoria at the 80% vaccination rate and […]


COVID-19 | NSW RoadMap to Reopening – Work requirements in phase 2 (80% vaccination rate)

This article has been updated to take into account amendments made to the Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order 2021 (NSW) on 19, 20, 21, and 26 October 2021, and 1 November 2021. The Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order 2021 (NSW) (Order) is part of the roadmap for easing restrictions when 80% of the population of […]


COVID-19 | NSW RoadMap to Reopening – Work requirements in phase 1 (70% vaccination rate)

The Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order 2021 (NSW) (Order) is part of the roadmap for easing restrictions when 70% of the population of New South Wales who are over 16 years of age are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The Order was amended on 8 October 2021 to take into account the most recently announced changes […]


COVID-19 | Mandatory vaccination for Victorian authorised workers

The Acting Chief Health Officer has issued long awaited directions making COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for authorised workers in Victoria (the Directions). Who do the Directions apply to? The Directions apply to the ’employers’ of ‘workers’ in Victoria who are authorised to leave home for work under the Authorised Worker list. Specifically, it applies to workers […]


COVID-19 | Mandatory vaccination in the healthcare sector in Victoria

The Acting Chief Health Officer has issued updated directions making mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations a requirement for staff to work in healthcare facilities in Victoria (the Directions). Who do the Directions apply to? The Directions apply to ‘healthcare operators’, being those who own, control or operate a healthcare facility, whether public, private or denominational. A ‘healthcare […]
