Are you ready for the new Superannuation laws to take effect on 1 July 2017?

The proposed changes are very complex as is evidenced by the colossal amount of explanatory material, compliance guidelines and legislation which the government has issued since the changes were announced.   How do the changes affect me? The most significant change is the imposition of a transfer balance cap (TBC), which will impose a $1.6 […]


Housing affordability policy initiatives create concerns and uncertainty for Victorian property investors and developers

Significant housing affordability policy initiatives were unveiled by the Victorian government over the weekend. Whilst the announcements have focused on the impact of these initiatives on first home buyers and the efforts to tackle housing affordability for these buyers, the proposals contain cause for concern for Victorian property investors and developers. A proposed stamp duty […]


Lenders can be liable for FHOG refunds

Recent amendments to the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 (Vic) (FHOG Act) will enable the State Revenue Office (SRO) to recover first home owner grant  (FHOG) payments from third parties such as lenders.  This means that where homeowners have received a grant payment that they were ineligible for, or that they have subsequently become […]
